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Wake up and take control of your life! From the bestselling author of Inner StrengthUnlimited Power, and MONEY Master the Game, Anthony Robbins, the nation's leader in the science of peak performance, shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life.

The acknowledged expert in the psychology of change, Anthony Robbins provides a step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control of your life, and harness the forces that shape your destiny.

Fiche technique

Principales caractéristiques

  • Broché: 544 pages
  • Editeur : Harper; Édition : Int ( )
  • Langue : العربية
  • Dimensions du produit: 14 x 1,4 x 21 cm
  • Original TitleAwaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!

Descriptif technique

  • Modèle: livre de poche
  • Taille (Longueur x Largeur x Hauteur cm): 1
  • Poids (kg): 0.5
  • Couleur: beige
  • Matière principale: papier
  • title: Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!
  • Auteur: Anthony Robbins

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